
Episode 8: What if we just… made our houses float?

Talking with the Louisianans thinking differently about rising water.

With flood risk increasing and flood insurance rates likely following suit, it seems like there’s got to be a better way to tackle the challenge. 

For example: could we make our homes float when the water comes?

This week we talk to an architect who has devoted her professional life to that question, and we visit a Louisiana community where some people have decided that it makes more sense to temporarily float a house than to elevate it on stilts. 

Introducing: Sea Change Life Raft

  1. Introducing: Sea Change
  2. What If We Just…Made Our Houses Float?
  3. Could Flood Insurance Sink Us Before The Water Does?
  4. What Would It Take For Louisiana To Go Carbon Neutral By 2050?
  5. How Much Can We Blame The 2020 Hurricane Season On Climate Change?

Want to help shape the future of Life Raft? We’re looking for feedback on our first season. Filling out this (super short) survey will really help us understand how we can best serve you. If you include your contact info, you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a prize from WWNO or WRKF. .

While we figure out what the future holds, we’d love to extend the biggest and warmest thank you to everyone who made this possible. Thanks, especially, to everyone for listening, and for submitting the questions that made this show possible. 

In the meantime, follow us on social media. We’re on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Support for WWNO’s Coastal Desk comes from the Greater New Orleans Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, and listeners like you.